Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's a Choice

Everyday, from my sophomore year in high school to my senior year, my English teacher had "It's A Choice" written on the whiteboard and all over the classroom.  She constantly reminded us that whatever decisions we made in life was a choice that we would make.  Everything from deciding what pencil to use to what our attitude was going to be that day was a choice.  I loved my English teacher and I think about that phrase almost daily.

But it's a struggle.  I wish all choices were easy, but they aren't.  I can choose to take my insulin properly, but I don't.  I can choose to eat the right foods, but on my bad days, I don't.  I make the bad choices day in and day out, but I can't seem to stop myself.  My disbulimia has a wrap around my positive decision making that constantly tells me that I need to punish myself, or lose that weight, or that I'm not good enough.  Those thoughts cloud my choice making, so I end up choosing the wrong things.

One positive choice that I made today was the choice that I was going to go get professional help.  I've realized that I can't do it on my own.  As embarrassed that I am that I'm a grown adult that can't get it together, I think it's the best decision that I've made.  After talking with my family, they all have told me that I shouldn't be embarrassed and that everyone needs help at one time or another.  I guess that's true.. but it doesn't make it any less embarrassing.

Since deciding that I need to go get help, I feel a little less stressed.  I feel like I can breathe a little bit easier, hoping that someone who specializes in eating disorders can give me encouragement and ideas that will help me. 

I know that I have to do the work and I have to want to get better and no one can do it for me, but I think that I'm ready for that.  I want to be back to normal.  I want to have fun with my friends and family.  I want to have the best summer with Brandon, doing anything and everything we can do.  I want to look forward to the future with confidence and not fear. 

I don't want to be driven crazy obsessing about this anymore.  I've broken down and I've had it.  I'm at the fork in the road where I can choose to go down the path of happiness and health or I can choose to let diabulimia be my life, and a short life it would be. 

I'm choosing happiness.


  1. oh erin, i don't even know you, but i am SO PROUD of you! i live with binge eating, and seeking professional help is the best thing i've ever done. very scary, but completely worth it.

    let me know how it goes. and if you want to chat, i'm happy to lend an ear. you can do this!

    1. Thank you! I went over to your blog and read a few things. I can definitely relate!
